Brett Burney’s Review of Thomson Reuters’ eDiscovery Point Quoted in Legaltech News Article Announcing LTN’s 2016 Product of the Year

E-discovery consultant Brett Burney reviewed the SaaS-based, document review platform from Thomson Reuters’ called eDiscovery Point for the June print issue of Legaltech News magazine (reprint hosted by Thomson Reuters). On June 22, 2016, LTN’s panel of experts echoed Brett’s conclusion in naming eDiscovery Point LTN’s Product of the Year. The Legal Solutions Blog from [...]

By |2016-12-13T07:02:27-05:00June 22nd, 2016|Articles|

Brett Burney the Featured Guest on Civilly Speaking Podcast to Discuss Using the iPad in Your Practice

The Ohio Association for Justice has posted its two-part podcast interview with Brett Burney about how to use an iPad in a legal practice. The Civilly Speaking podcast is hosted by Sean Harris of the law firm Kitrick, Lewis & Harris Co., L.P.A and is the monthly podcast of the Ohio Association for Justice. In [...]

By |2016-06-13T15:42:33-04:00June 13th, 2016|Interviews|

Brett Burney Article “Setting Up an All-Mac Law Office” Featured on Attorney at Work

Brett Burney’s article, “Setting Up an All-Mac Law Office,” was featured last month on the Attorney at Work website as part of the “Read of the Classics: Best of Attorney at Work” series. You can also read “Part Two: Lawyers Who Use Macs: Why They Do It and How” where Brett interviews four Mac-using attorneys who provide [...]

By |2016-12-13T07:02:27-05:00June 9th, 2016|Articles|

The Best Apps For [Legal] Productivity – ABA Law Technology Today

Brett Burney was a featured panelist for Law Technology Today’s Roundtable, “The Best Apps for Productivity.” Law Technology Today has released its digital roundtable, “The Best Apps for Productivity.” In order to help its readers winnow the overwhelming number of available apps, Law Technology Today asked the board members of the ABA’s Legal Technology Resource [...]

By |2016-12-13T07:02:27-05:00June 3rd, 2016|Interviews|

The History and Future of Summation Software – “old Summation” vs. “new Summation”

If you have been around litigation support or e-discovery for any length of time, you've encountered Summation. AccessData, who currently owns Summation, recently tweeted tweeted a link to Terry Mazura’s review of Summation 6.0 and they graciously let you download it from their website. In my article on, I go through a little history of the Summation [...]

By |2016-06-03T16:00:37-04:00June 3rd, 2016|Articles, ediscoveryinfo Blog|
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