The Emerging Field of Electronic Discovery Project Management

The Emerging Field of Electronic Discovery Project Management – TechnoLawyer – Brett Burney Many litigators consider themselves “project managers” because they constantly juggle deadlines, people, tasks, and documents. But formal project management is a professional, technical discipline that has become indispensable in litigation matters, especially electronic discovery projects. In this TechnoFeature article, eDiscovery consultant and project [...]

By |2015-05-19T13:26:44-04:00September 2nd, 2009|Articles|

Primping Your PDFs

Primping Your PDFs – ABA GP|Solo TechNotes Column – Brett Burney The Portable Document Format has decisively emerged as the standard for electronic court filing, scanning, and the digital distribution of documents. And while most people know how to create and open a PDF, the majority of legal professionals never go beyond those two tasks. …Read the full article on Technology eReport…

By |2016-12-13T07:02:29-05:00September 1st, 2009|Articles|
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