E-discovery consultant Brett Burney reviewed the desktop-based Eclipse SE document review software from Ipro Tech Inc. Brett found that the software was an excellent option for law firms looking to replace their legacy document review software:

I failed to find the same limitations in Eclipse SE that burden other similar desktop document review tools. I was constantly impressed with the number of options and capabilities, and the accompanying User Guides are superior in their clarity. You may think a desktop software application is a step backwards in today’s litigation support software environment, but there are many law firms that still need the flexibility and control over their litigation matters. Ipro’s Eclipse SE is one of the first places they should look.

You can read the entire review in the June 2015 issue of Legaltech News.

Ipro Tech Inc. also noted the review and is currently offering a 50% off promotion for your first copy of Eclipse SE.

Update 2015.06.22: Legaltechnews.com has posted Brett’s review of Ipro Eclipse SE online entitled “E-Discovery Software Acts Local, Works Global – Ipro Eclipse keeps e-discovery local, on the desktop.”